
Getting Started with Twitter

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Your school likely already has a twitter account. Please do not register multiple school twitter accounts. Contact the District to get access to your school Twitter account.

If you would like to have a separate twitter account for yourself:

Go to to sign up. Enter the appropriate information (full name, email and password) on the right-hand side before clicking “Sign up for Twitter.”
The site will then ask you to verify the information, choose a username and agree to the Twitter Terms of Service before proceeding.
Build Your Timeline: Twitter is based on following and being followed, so the next step is choosing some interesting people to follow. Don’t overwhelm yourself at the start, choose a few of the suggestions based on your interests and then move to the next step.
Add Personal Info: Once you’re setup, Twitter will ask you to upload an image (maximum size of 700k) and provide a brief, 160-character bio about yourself.
Tweet. Just click inside the “Compose new tweet….” box in the upper left-hand corner of the home tab or click the blue feather icon in the upper right-hand corner at any time to get started. Remember, text is strictly limited to 140 characters.


The hashtag symbol (#) is a great way to mark specific topics or keywords in a Tweet. It was created by Twitter users as a way to classify messages and has since become a cultural phenomenon. All you have to do is place a hashtag in front of a word or phrase in your tweet. #Easy!

Mentions & Replies

Two more ways you can connect with other Twitter users. Mentions and replies are updates that contain “@username” anywhere in the body of the tweet. Place a “@” in front of the person, business, organization or whatever you want to mention or reply to. A recent change has made it so that your replies to someone will be seen only by mutual followers if you place their “@username” at the beginning of your tweet. If you want your followers to see your mentions/replies to someone, set the “@username” at the end of the tweet or put a period in front of the ampersand like this: “.@”.


A retweet is a way to share another Twitter user’s tweet with all of your followers. It will essentially look the same as normal tweets with the author’s name and username next to it, but it will also contain the retweet icon and the name of the user who reposted it. Click the “Retweet” option under a tweet in order to share.


Adding a tweet as a favorite is similar to liking something on Facebook. It’s a way to let the original poster know you liked their tweet for whatever reason. However, it also gives you a way to save a tweet so you can refer back to it later. Simply click the star icon with “Favorite” next to it in order to favorite a tweet.

A great website that explains how Twitter works:


Advanced Topics

Tips and HowTos


Social Media Basics



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