
Twitter Image Sizes

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 184 views

Social media platforms are constantly evolving their algorithms and interfaces. Content creators and marketers need to be proactive and stay updated with the latest information.

Though a small element of the entire user experience, image sizes matter a lot on social media. The wrong image dimensions can result in ill-fitting or cropped content. Worse still, the target platform might reject your carefully-edited images if they’re not optimized for size.

Below is a Twitter image size cheat sheet with updated information. The guide covers all of the following and you can jump straight to the section you find relevant:

  • Profile, header, and tweet image sizes
  • Twitter Card image size
  • Twitter ad image size
  • Twitter Moments

Twitter Image Sizes

Best Image Sizes for Social Media

What are Twitter Cards?

Twitter cards are tweets that have a title, description and a thumbnail image, which is designed to give viewers a preview of the content before clicking through to the featured website. When social media followers share this content on Twitter, the image, video or other media will appear directly in the interface, creating a more visual brand experience. In fact, Twitter cards are more likely to gain increased exposure through retweets.

Using Twitter Cards

The best news is that your school websites already have this functionality available! If you have your school website tied to your Twitter account, Twitter Cards are also enabled by default.

Twitter Cards Basics


Advanced Topics

Tips and HowTos


Social Media Basics



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The Easiest Way to Update Your Documents

(1) Go to Media (by clicking Media on the menu) and then (2) search for the name

Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet

Social media image size cheat sheet Throughout this post, you’ll find the size a

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